Privacy Policy and Data Regulation

Last modified: 27 June 2024

Use of Data
Lively Impact's Platforms collect our client's users' information when the client's users are visiting our clients' websites. The information includes, but is not limited to, all sales and marketing information provided by our clients' online advertising or other campaign information, and all individually identifiable information about users at clients' websites, including statistical, demographic, and behavioral information.

Lively Impact's Platforms collect information solely on an "as-necessary" basis in order for us to provide services to our clients and our clients grant to Lively Impact's Platforms a limited license to use such information to perform our obligations.

Lively Impact's Platforms will treat all information collected as confidential. Clients' limited license to us includes, but is not limited to, the right to collect all information of users visiting our clients' websites, either directly or through other means, such as the use of redirects and 1-by-1 pixels. Lively Impact's Platforms will not disclose any information collected from client to any third party unless such disclosure is (i) approved by client, who in turn has obtained the approval of their users, or who has not opted out of the right to distribute their information, or (ii) is made by us in response to an order by a competent court of law, and provided that we have given client reasonable notice of such order, and an opportunity to contest, or (iii) supported by a Non-Disclosure Agreement which enables us to co-operate with third party for data analytics purpose. 

Lively Impact's Platforms may improve and promote our service offerings, aggregate the information collected from clients with other data so that it is non-personally identifiable with respect to both clients and users to clients' website(s).

Our Commitment To Privacy
Our clients' and their users' privacy are important to us. To better protect privacy of the users information, we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and how information is collected and used. To make this notice easy to find, Lively Impact's Platforms makes it available on this website and at every point where personally identifiable information may be requested.

When Lively Impact's Platforms make any material change to this Privacy Policy, we will inform you by posting a notice on the home page of this site that the policy has been updated and by changing the date on this page noting when the policy was last updated.

Our Purpose of Data Collection
Lively Impact's Platforms use the information collected to evaluate the effectiveness of customers' marketing campaigns in a statistical way and then come up with different strategies by human or a machine's self-learning capability for further campaign improvement. Finally, we never use or share the personally identifiable information provided to or collected by us online in ways unrelated to those described.

Our Use of the Information
This notice applies to all information collected or submitted on our seller service. Our seller service acts as SaaS (i.e. Software as a Service) for each of our clients to understand more about how the visitors react to their online marketing campaigns and eventually complete the campaign goals including online purchases, enquiries or membership registration, etc as defined by our clients. On top of collecting our clients' users' behavioral patterns in an anonymous way, we also collect certain technical information such as IP address, browser version and operating system. In addition to the above and in order to create statistical information, we may also, upon our client's request, and subject to their users consent, collect personally identifiable information like email address or member ID but they will not be disclosed, sold or transferred to any 3rd party.

Our Commitment To Data Security and Disposal
To prevent unauthorized access, maintence of data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, Lively Impact's Platforms have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and administrative procedures to safeguard and secure the information collected online. As soon as reasonably practicable, once service to a client has been completed, all information identifiable to a user, collected by us, for that service, shall be properly and securely destroyed and permanently deleted from our systems.

Information Relating to Children
Our products and services are designed for those 13 years of age and older. Lively Impact's Platforms does not knowingly collect information from anyone under the age of 13. If Lively Impact's Platforms are made aware that we have received such information, or any information in violation of our policy, we will use reasonable efforts to locate and remove that information from our records.

Our Obligations of Our Clients
Our clients are under obligation to disclose to their users, that personal information they are submitting are being collected for analytic purposes and our clients are obliged to provide an opt out provision to their users whether or not they agree their personal information to be disclosed to us.

About Cookies
Our seller service use only 1st party cookie. The cookie information does not include personal data such as name, email, phone number or gender. If you would prefer, you can opt out your browser by rejecting cookies specifically or by our cookie opt-out page.

Our Commitment to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
We take data protection and people's privacy very seriously and we are committed to continuing to comply with the GDPR.

Right to be forgotten 
Individuals  may request to delete all data on that individual without undue delay.

Right to object
Individuals  may request to prohibit certain data uses (e.g. Data Science purpose).

Right to rectification
Individuals may request that incomplete data be completed or that incorrect data be corrected.

Right of access
Individuals  may  request to view the data we have collected on the individual. 

Right of portability
Individuals may request that personal data held by one organization be transported to another. 

Please contact us at for such a request.

We set our cookies to expire within two years and the expiration date updates every time you encounter our server. We retain the web log data for ninety days and aggregations and reports for up to two years.

If you have opted out and wish to opt back in you may use the cookie settings in your browser to clear the Lively Impact's Platforms optout cookie. If you have questions, please contact us at (For Advertising Clients) or

How To Contact Us

Should you have other questions or concerns about these privacy policies, send us an email at